My original intent was to host short bits of writing here, but I'm finding that almost everything I'm outputting makes more sense to live somewhere else in the network. So this section is, for now, links to things that I have elsewhere. If you're interested in my opinions about random things, my Newsletter Archive may be of interest.
For a full list of work professional work, please see My CV. More likely to be updated than this list, which I think of as more of a sampler platter.
My short story Falling Through has been published in both written and audio form on Escape Pod. Ever feel like the world changed subtly around you, but you didn't quite know how?
My short story Angels of Lost Days was published in the Puzzlebox Collection by The Sockdolager. It's a remix of an obscure D-list Batman villain set in the Elizabethan era at the time of the Gregorian calendar reformation, because I like doing things the easy way. It features Dr. John Dee, various historical easter eggs, and, as is the case in most semihistorical fiction, the weirdest parts are the ones that actually happened. The rest of the collection is also well worth the price of admission.
Here is an article I wrote for Coilhouse Magazine, ostensibly a review of a Ben Frost album, but in reality an excuse to talk about the history of noise music.
I wrote a review for the movie Radio Free Albemuth. The executive producer of the film got in touch and asked me to publish it elsewhere, so I guess that says something about its quality. As an amusing aside, when I put this as a review for the film on Amazon, I got several comments reviewing my review.
Dear Valued Customer, my brief and ranty flirtation with
The Bombs, a piece of very short "fiction" I wrote.
How to use Jabber when gchat breaks, or, "Colloquial tech support."